About Tim Nesvig


Tim Nesvig, LAC, Therapist


  • All forms of Anxiety + OCD

  • Men’s issues related to anxiety & OCD

  • Elementary Aged children


clinically Supervised by: Kristin Mervich, LCSW

Direct phone: 602.691.5634

Direct email: tim@outsmartingocd.com

My name is Tim, and I love people. Below I share my experience and credentials, but first, here is a bit about me.  I believe each person is created to flourish, but there are times in our life where we feel stuck.  That’s where I come in- I am here to help you (and your child) feel unstuck.


“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.” - FDR


It is courageous for you to explore therapy as an option for yourself or your child. My belief is that what you value and desire is far more important than what fear dictates as important.  And whether it be your hobbies, beliefs, relationships, identity and self-esteem, or capacity to experience enjoyment, fear has likely taken hostage what you value most.  Let’s take back the moments and hours that have been controlled by anxiety together.  


My clients experience healing when they are open to changing what feels familiar or certain. Anxiety and OCD crave certainty and trick us into thinking that trying to obtain certainty will make us feel better. But think about some of your greatest memories in life: connecting with family and friends, learning to drive for the first time, finding a new community of like-minded people, watching your kids become more independent, trying out for a new sport or instrument, applying to your dream college, or making a career change. . . Did you embrace uncertainty in these moments? My guess is that you did because what is most important to us almost always requires us to learn to live with uncertainty. And I am here to help you (and your child) lean into uncertainty with confidence. I am here to help you live your life the way YOU want to lead it without anxiety and OCD’s demands getting in your way.

I was initially inspired to treat OCD and anxiety with Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy because of my personal connection to OCD.  This connection attests to a transformation that occurs when following the guidelines laid out by the evidence-based treatment for OCD.  Knowing and seeing evidence that OCD and anxiety can be overcome is what draws me to work with both kids and adult men.  As a former elementary school teacher, I love seeing the genuine joy and enthusiasm that resurfaces or emerges for the first time when kids begin to quiet their OCD.  And I want to come alongside other men who have silently endured intrusive thoughts and rituals so they can experience the hope and confidence that comes from outsmarting their anxiety and OCD.

I obtained my Masters in Counseling from Ottawa University and am a Licensed Associate Counselor (LAC) in Arizona. I have experience in mental health working with those suffering from substance abuse, trauma, anger, and marital conflict.  I treasure the times I have seen clients, whether one-on-one or in group, begin to realize what they are capable of—when they begin to see that their courage has opened the door to healing. 

Call or text tim at 602.691.5634

or email tim at tim@outsmartingocd.com

to set up a free 15 minute consult.